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​PhD Viva

Tuesday, 10/09/2024
PhD Viva of Doctoral Programme in Biomedical Engineering - Vitória da Cunha Baptista
On the 10th September, the PhD thesis Viva of Vitória da Cunha Baptista, Msc, from the Doctoral Programme in Biomedical Engineering will take place. Thesis title: 'Hemozoin: dissection of its characteristics for non-invasive malaria diagnostics and its biological pathway towards personalized medicine'.

Friday, 13/09/2024
PhD Viva of Doctoral Programme in Information Systems and Technologies - Ailton Moreira da Veiga
On the 13rd September, the PhD thesis Viva of Ailton Moreira da Veiga, Msc, from the Doctoral Programme in Information Systems and Technologies will take place. Thesis title: 'Multichannel Mobile Companion for Personalized Healthcare Services'.