The University of Minho is located in the district of Braga, in the north of Portugal.
There are three university centres in the two major cities: Braga and Guimarães.
The School of Engineering develops activities in all university centres. The EEUM Presidency is located at the campus of Azurém, in Guimarães, along with most of its departments and research centres. The Informatics and Biological Engineering departments have their facilities at the campus of Gualtar, in Braga. The 3B's research centre has its headquarters at Avepark, in Taipas, Guimarães. EEUM’s professors and researchers also participate in activities in the facilities located at the campus of Couros, in Guimarães.
Here you can find more information about the academy and living conditions on campus, the two cities where the campi are located, cultural activities developed by the cultural groups and the internationally distinguished academic sport activities available.