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Project’s name: LEGOUSE - Cost competitive pre-fabricated modular buildings


LEGOUSE aimed at developing a modular housing system built-up by assembling pre-fabricated sandwich panels of external thin layers of fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete linked by innovative connectors in glass fibre reinforced polymer. The entire construction is based in this panel concept, ensuring the adequate structural behaviour, acoustic and thermal insulation properties. The speed of construction, the cost of the constructive elements, the smaller maintenance costs and higher durability make these houses competitive when compared to traditional solutions. This project included the development and characterisation of physical and mechanical properties of the materials that compose the structural elements of this housing concept, the optimisation of structural systems, the building and testing of the structural elements of the modular system, the full-scale construction and testing of a modular building, the development of the technical specifications and design rules, and the dissemination of the project results.

Starting date: October 2009

Completion date: August 2013

Budget: 1.068.301,00€


ISISE-EEUM: Joaquim Barros, Isabel Valente, Miguel Azenha, Vitor Cunha, José Sena-Cruz, Eduardo Pereira, Aires Camões, Rodrigo Lameiras, Amin Abrishambaf, Christoph Sousa, Cristina Frazão, Sandro Peixoto, and also Sandra Silva (CTAC-EEUM)
PIEP: Luís Oliveira
Mota-Engil: Paulo Lopes, João Ribeiro 
CiviTest: Delfina Gonçalves, Lúcio Lourenço

Consortium: Instituto para a Sustentabilidade e Inovação em Estruturas de Engenharia (ISISE); Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros (PIEP); Mota-Engil Engenharia; CiviTest

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