Project’s name: Mobilising project PT21 – Powered Textiles 21 (nº 13848) - PPS3 – High Tech Fashion – Development of innovative yarns and bi-elastic thin fabrics for fashion wear.
Project aimed at the development of bi-elastic thin fabrics (20-30% stretch) for fashion wear, integrating elastic hybrid yarns (linear density higher than 50Ne) obtained by core-spinning. To achieve this goal, hybrid yarns were developed and produced using binary and ternary fiber mixtures in the sheath and different filaments in the core, to promote the stretch- recovery and comfort properties required by the designed bi-elastic fabrics. Major challenges were encountered on yarns’ process ability at the different production stages and on bi-elastic fabrics properties control and stabilization. The results obtained provided a deeper understanding on the most influencing factors of the stretch and recovery behavior of bi-elastic fabrics and on the main interactions between these factors and processes’ control parameters, which allowed predicting the elastic behavior of bi-elastic thin fabrics.
Starting date: 02-01-2011
Completion date: junho 2014
Budget: Global – 7.588.901,80 €; PPS3 – 1.838.469,91€ ; UMinho – 258.904,59€
2C2T-EEUM: Fernando Ferreira, Ana Maria Rocha, Pedro Souto, Ana Cristina Broega
Grupo Somelos: António Magalhães, Leonel Oliveira, Arnaldo Machado, Joaquim Sá
Consortium: Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil (2C2T); Somelos (Somelos Mix, Somelos Tecidos, Somelos Acabamentos)
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