Project’s name: SustIMS - Sustainable Infrastructure Management System
The main objective of this project is the development of a sustainable roadway infrastructure management system to be integrated on a geographic information system (GIS). This platform will manage, within a coherent and sustainable way, all main elements of a concession, including bridges, pavements, embankments and walls. With this system it will be possible to improve the quality of available data in each moment about the infra-structure, improve the future performance forecasts, and take better decisions regarding the preservation and rehabilitation of each infra-structure element.
Starting date: 29th August 2012
Completion date: 30th June 2015
1 026 315,82 € (global)
Ascendi: 503 648,58 €
UMinho: 393.440,86 €
FCT-UNL: 129 226,38 €
EEUM (ALGORITMI, CTAC, ISISE): A. Gomes Correia, João L. Monteiro, Joel Oliveira, Jorge Cabral, José Campos e Matos, José Mendes, Paulo Pereira, Paulo Lourenço, Tiago Miranda (and also research fellows Hugo Guimarães, Joaquim Tinoco, Jorge Miranda, José Soares, Manuel Mendes, Marisa Pinheiro, Ricardo Martins, Susana Moreira, Roman Denysiuk, João Fernandes, Paulo Gonçalves, Reza Abrisham Baf)
Ascendi IGI, Inovação e Gestão de Infra-Estruturas, S.A: Adriana Santos, Adriana Neves, Álvaro Soares, Ugo Berardinelli, Carla Silva, Carlos Neves, Céu Ferreira, Eliana Carreira, Fernando Sousa, Filipe Morais, João Felgueiras, Manuel Martins, Ricardo Pereira e Silva Sarmento, Rui Ramalho, Sérgio Oliveira, Vasco Corte Real
FCT-UNL: Eduardo Cavaco, João Almeida, Luís Neves, Rui Micaelo
Consortium: Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI; Centro do Território, Ambiente e Construção; Instituto para a Sustentabilidade e Inovação em Estruturas de Engenharia; FCT-UNL - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Ascendi IGI, Inovação e Gestão de Infraestruturas, S.A.