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Back Industrial Electronics and Computers Engineering (Integrated Master) 2020/2021


Academic degree:
  • Bachelor (Bologna 1st cycle degree)
  • Master's degree
10 curricular semesters
Azurém Campus, Guimarães (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Informatics and Electrotechnics Engineering


    School of Engineering
    Campus de Azurém
    4800-058 Guimarães

    Tel: +351 253510179 / 253510160 Fax: +351 253510178


The course's main goal is to train graduates prepared to take on a professional activity in the domain of Electronics and Computers Engineering, i.e., which are able to specify, design and implement electronic systems and/or devices in several specialization areas: Automation, Control and Robotics; Electrotechnics and Energy Systems; Computer Technology; Microtechnology and Instrumentation; Telecommunication Systems. The professionals should also be able to be integrated in the type of companies and organizations demanded by the current evolution of society, while being aware of social responsibility and work ethics.

Access to higher education

This course provides the technical and scientific capacity to access the courses of the second cycle (Master)


The companies? permanent need of larger development, modernisation and internationalisation constitutes a primary and continuous source of employment for the graduates in Industrial Electronics and Computers Engineering. The employment rate is nearly 100%.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Studies can be done through the following ways:
- Application for National Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Local Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Access to Higher Education Admissions through Re-Entry, Change and Transfer of Course.

Formal requirements

Entrance Testing

07 Physics and Chemistry
19 Mathematics A

This information must be verified on

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry EE CB 5
S1 Calculus EE CB 5
S1 Circuits Analysis CE; EEC 7.5
S1 Computer Programming CB 5
S1 Laboratory Practicals CE 7.5
S2 Circuit Analysis in Alternating Current CE 7.5
S2 Complements of Computer Programming CB 5
S2 Digital Systems CE; EEC 7.5
S2 Mathematical Analysis EE M; CB 5
S2 Physics EE CB 5
Year 2 60
S1 Applied Mathematics CB 5
S1 Architecture and Computers Technology I EEC 5
S1 Complements of Mathematical Analysis EE M; CB 5
S1 Electronics I EEC 5
S1 Microcontrollers EEC 5
S1 Theory of Electricity CB 5
S2 Architecture and Computers Technology II EEC 5
S2 Electronics II EEC 5
S2 Electrotechnics and Electrical Installations EEC 7.5
S2 Microprocessors EEC 5
S2 Systems Theory CE 7.5
Year 3 60
S1 Automatic Control EEC 5
S1 Electrical Machines EEC 5
S1 Instrumentations and Sensors EEC 5
S1 Introduction to Computer Networks SI; CE-TSI 5
S1 Laboratories and Integrated Practicals I EEC 5
S1 Signal Processing EEC 5
S2 Automation EEC 5
S2 Digital Control EEC 5
S2 Digital Signal Processing EEC 5
S2 Laboratories and Integrated Practicals II EEC 5
S2 Power Electronics EEC 5
S2 Technologies of Databases SI 5
Year 4 60
S1 Electrical Installations Project EEC 5
S1 Project I EEC 5
S1 Especialização A - I 5
Analysis and Design of Information Systems EEC 5
Complements of Power Electronics EEC 5
Embedded Systems EEC 5
Introduction to Silicon Microtechnologies EEC 5
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks EEC 5
Redes de Sensores sem Fios EEC 5
Teste e Validação de Sistemas de Informação EEC; EngT 5
S1 Especialização A - II 5
Advanced Control EEC 5
Energy Systems EEC 5
Optical Communications Systems EngT 5
Real Time Systems EEC 5
RF Microdevices to Wireless Communication EEC 5
Ubiquitous Systems EEC; EngT 5
S1 Especialização B - I 5
Analysis and Design of Information Systems EEC 5
Complements of Power Electronics EEC 5
Embedded Systems EEC 5
Introduction to Silicon Microtechnologies EEC 5
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks EEC 5
Redes de Sensores sem Fios EEC 5
Teste e Validação de Sistemas de Informação EEC; EngT 5
S1 Especialização B - II 5
Advanced Control EEC 5
Energy Systems EEC 5
Optical Communications Systems EngT 5
Real Time Systems EEC 5
RF Microdevices to Wireless Communication EEC 5
Ubiquitous Systems EEC; EngT 5
S2 Project II EEC 5
S2 Especialização A - III 5
Digital and Analog Integrated Circuits EEC 5
Engineering of Information Systems Security TSI; EEC 5
Factory Automation EEC 5
Power Active Filters EEC 5
Project of Dedicated Processors EEC 5
Telecommunications Systems EngT 5
S2 Especialização A - IV 5
Embedded Systems Languages EEC 5
Industrial and Service Robotics EEC 5
Information Systems Project Management TSI; EEC 5
Microsensors and Microactuators EEC 5
Mobile Networks I; EngT 5
Quality of Eletrical Energy EEC 5
S2 Especialização B - III 5
Digital and Analog Integrated Circuits EEC 5
Engineering of Information Systems Security TSI; EEC 5
Factory Automation EEC 5
Power Active Filters EEC 5
Project of Dedicated Processors EEC 5
Telecommunications Systems EngT 5
S2 Especialização B - IV 5
Embedded Systems Languages EEC 5
Industrial and Service Robotics EEC 5
Information Systems Project Management TSI; EEC 5
Microsensors and Microactuators EEC 5
Mobile Networks I; EngT 5
Quality of Eletrical Energy EEC 5
S2 Opção EEIC 5
Advanced Microprocessor Architectures EEC 5
Computer Vision I 5
Renewable Energies EEC 5
Year 5 60
A Dissertation EEC 45
S1 Business Training EIS 5
S1 Preparation to Dissertation EEC 5
S1 Opção UMinho 5
Arithmetic, Geometry and Music M 6
Data Mining for Data Science ENG 5
Foreign Language Level 1 - German LLC 6
Green Buildings ENG 6
Inclusive Design DG 6
Innovation in Management of Cities ENG 6
Leadership and Entrepreneurship ENG 6
Occupational Safety and Health ENG 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2565/2011
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: