- To give continuity to the 1st cycle of Biomedical Engineering Degree;
- To train qualified healthcare engineering professionals;
- To train professionals able to monitor and intervene in scientific and technological innovation in health, including in research context;
- To train professionals capable of performing functions in the area of quality, infection, maintenance, biomaterials, risk and computer science in a hospital environment;
- To train professionals able to perform functions in the field of equipment, biomaterials, information technology and infection in health-related companies;
- To train professionals able to participate in research projects and development of new products and technologies for the biomedical field.
Key learning outcomes
At the end of the Master’s degree, students should:
1. Have a solid and integrated scientific training in Biomedical Engineering disciplines specific to the area of specialization attended;
2. Be able to intervene at the level of innovation in the fields of Biomedical Engineering, solving problems in new situations, in broad and multidisciplinary contexts;
3. Possess skills in basic sciences, techniques and methods in biomedical research, research management, legal and ethical aspects of research, public health, language and other complementary materials, enabling them to learn independently, ensuring their active lifelong updating;
4. Being able to work autonomously and/or as a team, assuming responsibilities in the planning and management of projects and structures in the area of Biomedical Engineering;
5. Be able to form and coordinate interdisciplinary teams in health care institutions.
Access to higher education
The degree confers capabilities that allow students to apply 3nd cycle studies (doctorate) in the University of Minho, or in other National, or International Institution, in the biomedical field, or related areas.
The Masters in Biomedical Engineer have as professional opportunities the following areas of activity:
- Medical equipment and instrumentation companies.
- Pharmaceutical companies.
- Healthcare units in the areas of hospital physics, facilities, operation and maintenance of equipment.
- Healthcare units, in areas of quality, risk and infection management.
- Research and development laboratories of large companies.
- Pharmaceutical and analysis industry.
- Laboratories of medical schools, universities and state organizations.
- Companies related to medical electronics and biosensors.
- Companies related to medical informatics.
- Companies related to the design of medical and rehabilitation devices.
- Biomaterials companies.
- Consultancy companies related to healthcare.