This degree has the following main goals:
- To train professionals qualified in engineering on the health field;
- To train professionals able to keep up with technological innovation in healthcare;
- To train professionals able to work in the field of quality, risk, infection and maintenance in a hospital environment;
- To train professionals able to perform development and monitoring functions on projects related to medical equipment, in companies;
- To train professionals capable of working in the area of informatic systems and computer technologies in a hospital environment;
- To train professionals able to manage pandemic crisis and other health issues.
Key learning outcomes
At the end of the Bachelor’s degree the students should:
1. Have a solid and integrated background in basic Engineering subjects and a general background in Biomedical Engineering;
2. Be able to solve problems in the fields of Biomedical Engineering, in multidisciplinary contexts;
3. Have basic science and engineering skills that enable them to learn continuously and ensure their lifelong updating;
4. Being able to work autonomously, assuming responsibilities in participating in projects in the area of Biomedical Engineering;
5. Be able to work in interdisciplinary teams in health institutions/companies.
Access to higher education
The degree confers capabilities that allow students to apply 2nd cycle studies in the University of Minho, or in other National, or International Institution, with more relevance in areas related with Biomedical Engineering.
The bachelor students in Biomedical Engineering should be able to work in different areas, such as:
- Companies of medical equipment and instrumentation;
- Pharmaceutical companies;
- Hospitals, in the field of facilities operation and equipment maintenance;
- Hospitals, in risk assessment, quality and infection control departments;
- Research labs in the health field, including Universities and public and private research institutes;
- Companies related to medical electronics and biosensors;
- Companies on medical informatics;
- Biomaterials’ companies;
- General companies related to the healthcare.