It is not its few years of existence which lead the pathway of the Information Systems Students Association and the TSI.2Market, thegreat activity developed by this Association, is proof of it. In an annual event, which looks forward to connecting students to the labor market, workshops, challenges, theme sessions and networking will be promoted, boosting contacts with the best information-technologies-related companies.
In its last edition, the Association decided to innovate with the TechPaper: “Based on the peddypaper game, we transformed this type of challenge into a technologic one. In order to tabulate contestants before the jury panel, the participants must contact five enterprises”, says José Correia, President. The objective? To motivate all students to break ice and talk to the enterprises present at the event.
“First from the outside and then from the inside. Although we prepared lots of attractive activities for students, we saw few people during the activities”. The Association reacted and, through social networks and more attractive interactive activities, managed to change the paradigm.
The students’ success is the main goal of this Association. By organizing other trainings, the Association intends to reach the students’ areas of interest. “The Association also collects students’ opinions and even classifications in order to focus workshops towards certain areas in which they show more difficulties”, stated the Association President.