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Projects TRUST and DaLí have kicked off Back

Monday, 9/19/2016   
Kick_off projetos
The High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) of the EEUM started in September two new projects in software Engineering, financed by European and national funds.
The High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), R&D centre of INESC TEC and research subunit of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho (EEUM), has initiated two new projects in the areas of Software Engineering in September. In total, the TRUST and DaLí projects will receive over 250 thousand euros in funding.

The TRUST project, entitled "Trustworthy Software Design with Alloy", will be carried out at the University of Minho, under the responsibility of Alcino Cunha, Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics (DI) and one of HASLab's coordinators. The project also counts on two other partners, namely the Queen Mary University of London (EECS-QMUL) and the National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research (ONERA), a French national laboratory. The software design phase is crucial in order to achieve high quality systems that meet the necessary requirements, even when exposed to severe operating constraints. This is particularly important when dealing with critical software, such as in control of aircraft or even medical devices. In these cases, failure to comply with requirements can lead to catastrophic consequences. This project aims at proposing extensions and new tools for the Alloy language - one of the most popular languages for formal specification used in the software design phase - in order to simplify the specification and validation of requirements in complex critical systems.

The DaLí project entitled "Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems: towards contract based design" will also be carried out at the University of Minho, and will count on the University of Aveiro as a partner. The researcher responsible for this project is Alexandre Madeira, a postdoctoral researcher of HASLab and winner of the 2013 IBM Award. This project aims at defining a methodology that is based on the use of dynamic logics for the design, modelling and verification of cyber-physical systems by using contracts as support to reliable component abstractions.

The projects’ kick-off took place on 19th and 20th September in the Department of Informatics of the EEUM and was attended by all members of the projects, including international partners and some consultants. Funding will be ensured by ERDF funds, through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020), and National Funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

More information on both projects can be found on their respective websites.
Kick_off projetos