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Presidency of the EEUM completes institutional tour to the School’s departments Back

Monday, 7/31/2017   
In July, the Presidency of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho (EEUM) completed the institutional tour visiting all departments, leading to the event “Engineering for the Future: Workshop EEUM”, taking place in November 2017.
Between March and July 2017, the Presidency of the EEUM, the School’s Secretary, the Department management team, the Programme’s Directive Committees, the Research Centre management team and the representative of non-academic staff in the Department’s Council met each month, one workshop per each of the School’s departments, in order to gather inputs from the departments and also to share the Presidency’s goals within the current mandate. The Dean’s team invited the departments to present their main concerns and objectives, referring to all areas of their activity. The workshops also intended to envision the future of the EEUM.

In November 2017, a final workshop will take place, entitled “Engineering for the future: Workshop EEUM”. A report on the main conclusions and action programme to be implemented until the current mandate’s conclusion will be presented.