Project’s name: DEXGELERATION - Advanced solutions for bone regeneration based on dextrin hydrogels
The main objective of the project is to bring to the global bone regeneration market an advanced injectable solution based on the association of Dextrin Hydrogel, Extracellular Matrix (ECM) and Biosckin’s proprietary bioactive ceramics (Bonelike®). This technology was developed in close collaboration with clinicians and companies in the field, conceived for the treatment of critical bone defects and non-unions, which are far from being satisfied by current solutions due limited osseointegration and osteoinductive properties of orthopaedic biomaterials.
The clinical potential of these new products in the target clinical conditions will be validated through a new set of Pre-clinical trials in large animal model (goat) which will have coordination of UTAD.
The project also aims to optimize the production of dextrin hydrogel on a large scale, the design of appropriate administration devices and the preparation of dossiers for regulatory and clinical approval. The scope of the important technical milestones will be based on a set of valorization strategies which can have a significant impact on the competitiveness of the northern region.
Starting date: September 2013
Completion date: June 2015
CEB: 131.131,00€
Total: 466.576,00€
CEB-EEUM: Miguel Gama, Alexandra Rodrigues, Catarina Rodrigues, Isabel Pereira, Manuela Oliveira
Biosckin: José Domingos dos Santos, Dina Silva
UTAD: José Eduardo Pereira
Consortium: Centro de Engenharia Biológica (EEUM); Biosckin, Molecular and Cell Therapies S.A.; Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto; Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
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