Project’s name: NETT - Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies
Neural Engineering is an inherently new discipline that coalesces engineering, physics and neuroscience for the design and development of brain-computer interface systems, cognitive computers, cognitive robots, and neural prosthetics. For the implementation of future transformative technologies a new breed of young researchers must be trained to integrate ideas and skills from a broad range of disciplines. To address key priority areas of FP7 in multi-disciplinary research, NETT will train ESRs and ERs using a structured, industry-focussed selection of training courses, with leading expertise in mathematics, physics, neuroscience and bioengineering from academia and the private sector. We have identified some of the key challenges in Neural Engineering and designed a set of inter-related projects that, by combining the skills of mathematicians, physicists, neuroscientists and bioengineers, will generate transformative technologies for novel speech recognisers, neural-inspired laser networks for information processing, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), robots with cognitive skills and neural prosthetics for enhancing or repairing sensory-motor functions.
Starting date: 01/09/2013
Completion date: 31/08/2016
Budget: 5.329.090,99 €
UMinho: Estela Bicho (ALGORITMI), Wolfram Erlhagen (CMAT), Sergio Monteiro (ALGORITMI), Gianpaolo Gulleta (ALGORITMI /CMAT), Weronika Wotjak (ALGORITMI /CMAT), Luís Louro (ALGORITMI), Tiago Malheiro (ALGORITMI), Paulo Vicente (ALGORITMI).
Full partners: Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI (ALGORITMI); Centro de Matemática (CMAT-ECUM); University of Nottingham; BitBrain Technologies; CNR; Imperial College London; Radboud University Nijmegen; Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
Associated Partners: INRIA; Brain Products; Multichannel Systems; Athens Information Technology; bioPmed; SMART Research BV; AMI-HPG; Cairn Ltd; Cortexica Ltd; National Instruments; Scientifica Ltd.
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