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Project’s name: NOVELTEC - Development of new technologies to support innovative product creation


As one of the anchor projects of PortugalFoods, the NOVELTEC project aims at providing companies with new technologies for developing new and innovative food products. The agro-food sector has a significant weight in national product, characterised by a high technological and qualitative demand. This is also one of the most important sectors in the European Union, which supports the creation of a higher number of SMEs and employment. Bearing in mind the challenges and growth potential of the agro-food sector, the NOVELTEC project was designed with the main purpose of developing new technologies to support innovative products on ohmic heating processing technology, high-pressure technology and edible coatings. NOVELTEV, one of the seven anchor projects of PortugalFoods for the period 2013-2015, aimed at providing agro-food sector companies with scientific and technological skills which would later turn into competitive advantages both in industry and market. For thirty months, 13 promoters – universities, industry entities and PortugalFoods – worked together in a joint effort towards achieving the proposed goals for NOVELTEC.

Starting date: September 2011

Completion date: February 2014

Budget: 1.110.086,45€ (human resources) + 1.021.084,10€ (non human resources)

CEB-EEUM: José António Couto Teixeira, António Augusto Vicente
FRULACT: Equipa Inovação & Tecnologia da Frulact, com apoio de colaboradores de outros departamentos, nas suas áreas de especialidade
DECORGEL: Francisco Miranda, António Nunes, Carla Tavares, Alexandra Azevedo, Davide Ribeiro, Barbara Carneiro
Outros colaboradores de (Other members from): Pascoal & Filhos, S.A.; Ernesto Morgado, S.A.; DEROVO – Derivados de Ovos, S.A.; Quinta dos Moinhos Novos – Lacticínios, Lda; Quinta dos Ingleses Agro Indústria, S.A.; Sense Test - Sociedade de Estudos de Análise Sensorial a Produtos Alimentares, Lda.; Universidade de Aveiro; Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto; Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto, Associação Integralar - Intervenção de Excelência No Setor Agro-Alimentar (PORTUGALFOODS).

Frulact - Indústria Agro-Alimentar, S.A.; Pascoal & Filhos, S.A.; Ernesto Morgado, S.A.; Derovo - Derivados de Ovos, S.A.; Quinta dos Moinhos Novos-Lacticínios, Lda.; Quinta dos Ingleses Agro Industria, S.A.; Decorgel - Produtos Alimentares, S.A.; Sense Test - Sociedade de Estudos de Análise Sensorial a Produtos Alimentares, Lda.; Universidade do Minho; Universidade de Aveiro; Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto; Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto; Associação Integralar - Intervenção de Excelência no Setor Agro-Alimentar (Portugalfoods).

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