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The aim of this demonstration project was to demonstrate advanced technologies in the field of active technical laminates, which, based on successfully completed R&D activities in two previous R&D QREN projects, aimed tat demonstrating to a specialized public, in a real situation, the economic advantages and techniques of new technological solutions that were not sufficiently validated from the technological point of view for commercial use. The knowledge generated by two R&DT QREN projects allowed the development of active technical laminates with heating, power generation, interactivity, thermal and acoustic insulation, which, in the scope of this project, were optimized in order to be integrated into construction, architecture and transport markets. The combination of these technologies has given rise to a portfolio of commercially advantageous products for these areas. In order to demonstrate the economic advantages, a number of activities were carried out to close the product development cycle, namely validation under real conditions of use, preparation of technical-scientific validation reports based on the creation of a demonstration model aimed at the creation of a portfolio of products and, finally, the development of a communication plan that will provide a dynamic and interactive way of disseminating results widely to the identified markets / consumers. To reach the proposed objectives, the ERT had the partnership of the University of Minho, from its interface TECMINHO.


Starting date:


Completion date:




The Lamitech project - Active technical laminates for construction, architecture and transports is co-financed by FEDER under COMPETE 2020 program and has € 359,900.7 of investment, an eligible total cost of € 359,900.71 and an incentive of € 184,951.93.



Raul Fangueiro

Fernando Cunha

Carlos Mota

Mais informação: (link)



ERT, Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho e TecMinho